Green & Stone Summer Exhibition
My painting, "Trumpeting Yellow" was selected for the Green & Stone Summer Exhibition, held in their lovely new gallery on the Fulham Road. The daffodils are in one of my own pots made several years ago, a wheel thrown porcelain vessel decorated with gold lustre.
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After the Rain
My painting of glorious, cascading wisteria is hanging in the Chelsea Arts Club Summer Show.
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Almost Famous
What a delightful surprise to see that my portrait of Alan Ravenscroft was featured on the cover of his autobiography, "Almost Famous" which recounts his "Adventures amongst the Stars". Thanks Alan.
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Dr. Daniel Woolf, Unveiled at Queen’s University
It was an honour to paint the official portrait of Dr. Daniel Woolf, principal and vice-chancellor of Queen's University, which was unveiled on 26th April at the Isabel Bader Centre for the Performing Arts, Kingston, Ontario. The celebratory event was a tribute to Dr....
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Reasons to be Cheerful
"David#Glutes"or "Bottom" was recently exhibited in the Chelsea Arts Club exhibition, "Reasons to be Cheerful". Artists donated all the works which were auctioned to raise money for the Club's charities, The Chelsea Arts Club Trust and the AGBI. The model used was...
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Portrait of John rank

Lista’s Leaving Party at the Chelsea Arts Club
After 38 years at the Chelsea Arts Club, Lista was given a leaving party in the garden. His gifts included a surprise portrait which had been commissioned secretly.
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Totem or Taboo
"Ginger Pubes" was hung in the Chelsea Arts Club exhibition, "Totem or Taboo". Artists donated the works which were auctioned to raise money for the club's two charities, the Chelsea Arts Club Trust and the AGBI.
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BP Portrait Award 2018
Cassandra's Dreams was pre-selected this year for the BP Portrait Award Exhibition.
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Lucky Bee
This painting was sold in the Chelsea Arts Club secret auction, "Be Lucky". The nectar of certain blue rhododendrons can be toxic to worker bees but not to honey bees as this "Lucky Bee" demonstrates.
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Louis de Bernieres
“Pretty amazing!” Louis de Bernieres with some of "his most prized possessions. LOUIS DE BERNIERES 'MY HAVEN'-LIVING ROOM OF HIS NORFOLK HOME 13.9.2016 Portraits of his children Robin & Sophie Mandolin, Guitar, and Flute Fake 'Renoir' Painting Air Rifle Golf Club...
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Dr. Tom Williams
“I’m quite speechless…you have done a fabulous job.”
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”Tom and I just saw the portrait and I could hardly believe how wonderful it looked. You have done a masterful job. It looks just like him, but there is also an overall richness to the painting… you have done a beautiful job. .. I almost cried when I saw it. I can’t thank you enough.” Maureen Ball
“We love it!” Alan Ravenscroft
“I was so thrilled with the portrait of Milo and Archie. In fact it is so exactly like Milo, I burst into tears .” Libby Swayne
“I am delighted with your excellent painting which captures Cecilia’s personality.” Donal Gallagher
“It’s a staggering piece of work and I was really lost for words…a considerable gasp went up from many of those present. I think like me, they were bowled over by the sense of life and colourful reality you have been able to capture on the canvas.” John Forrest
“It’s me! It’s Spike!” Donald Sammut
“The portrait is great, you have really captured Myrtle’s character, clever as you only met each other so briefly.” Hazel Allen
“You really are clever…very gifted… I think both portraits are brilliant.” Val Hennessy
“We are so very happy with the painting you’ve done! Both Mark and I have it as a screen saver on our computers at work.” Michelle Cassidy
“There’s nothing like a Dupuy portrait for the feel good factor” Catherine Nicolson
“It was the most wonderful exhibition and I’m thrilled to bits with my portrait. My family can’t stop talking about it.” Anna Barclay de Tolly Dwyer
”You have captured the soul of your sitters, the humour, the tristesse and the beauty. Wow! Congratulations. They are marvellous.“ Kate Merz
“Fantastic show!” Dudley Winterbottom